Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes – 8 July 2015

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682 CHERRY ST., SUITE 1000


Meeting Description: MATS Citizens Advisory Committee Regular Meeting

Date: 07-08-15
    Time: 4:00pm     Location: Macon-Bibb County P & Z Commission, 10th Floor Conference Room

James P. Thomas Macon-Bibb Planning & Zoning Commission
Gregory L. Brown Macon-Bibb Planning & Zoning Commission
Brad Belo Macon-Bibb Planning & Zoning Commission
Mike Greenwald Macon-Bibb Planning & Zoning Commission
Ken North Macon-Bibb Planning & Zoning Commission
Sherry L. Moore CAC/Commission District 2
Bob Komlo CAC/Commission District 4
Amber Jones CAC/Commission District 8
Louis Frank Tompkins CAC/AARP Volunteer
Anthony Jackson CAC/Board of Education Transportation Division
Mary Lou Ezell CAC/League of Women Voters
Mike Brown Visitor
Tina Hopper Visitor
1 Call to Order
2 Adoption of Agenda – Action Item
3 Introduction of Meeting Attendees
4 Election of CAC Chair / Vice-Chairman – Action Item
5 Public Comment Period (2 Minutes)
6 Introduction of the Comprehensive Plan Update & Long Range Transportation Plan Update – Agenda Item
7 Review of Macon Area Transportation Study (MATS) Bylaws – Agenda Item
8 Old/Unfinished Business
9 New Business
10 Project Status Report – Agenda Item
11 Next meeting dates
12 Adjourn


Call to Order: The meeting was called to order on Wednesday, July 8, 2015 @ 4:10PM by Gregory L. Brown, Planner/CAC Coordinator.

Adoption of Agenda – Action Item: Gregory L. Brown provided an overview of the agenda items to be discussed. A suggestion was made to add a discussion about the “Penny T-SPLOST Sales Tax” that was featured in the Telegraph Newspaper under New Business.

Introduction of Meeting Attendees: Planning staff members & members of the MATS Citizens Advisory Committee introduced themselves, in addition to members of the general public.

Election of CAC Chair / Vice-Chairman – Action Item: Being that there were not enough CAC members in attendance to constitute a quorum, a CAC Chair and Vice-Chairman were not elected. Eleven (11) members constitute a quorum.

Public Comment Period (2 Minutes): Members of the public were offered an opportunity to address the Citizen’s Advisory Committee and planning staff. There were no comments.

Introduction of the Comprehensive Plan Update and Long Range Transportation Plan Update – Agenda Item: Gregory L. Brown presented an overview of the Comprehensive Plan Update that included an overview of the Dept. of Community Affairs (DCA), an overview of the comprehensive plan and the plan elements. The deadline to complete the 2040 Comprehensive Plan is October 31, 2017.

Michael Greenwald presented an overview of the Long Range Transportation Plan Update that included an overview of the funding process, MAP-21 Performance Based Standards and the role of the MATS Committees during this process. The LRTP is due April 3, 2017. Mr. Tompkins mentioned that there may be other resources available to assist with the updating of the plan to include the “Macon One” report which may have current updated population data. Amber Jones mentioned that the fitness community can possibly be an audience to target during the update process.

Review of Macon Area Transportation Study (MATS) Bylaws – Agenda Item: There was no update regarding the MATS Bylaws.

Old/Unfinished Business:

MATS Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Update: Gregory L. Brown provided an update of the MATS Memorandum of Understanding. All governing agencies completed the signing of the MOU on Wednesday, June 17, 2015.

Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) Vacant Positions: Gregory L. Brown provided an update of the vacant positions on the CAC: (Commission Dist. 9; Jones County; Bicycle/Pedestrian Rep.; Disabled Population Rep.; Disabled Transportation User; Environmental Rep.; and Transit User). As a method to advertise for the vacant positions and seek candidates, a suggestion was made to utilize social media (facebook) to announce the vacant positions and to also remind current members of meeting dates and time. This is important because the bylaws states that CAC positions can be deemed vacant if the CAC member is absent from three (3) consecutive regular meetings (Article III; 8 – A).

New Business:

Upcoming State Rail Plan Presentation: A State Rail Plan presentation is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, August 5, 2015 @ 9:30AM during the MATS Policy Committee meeting, Bibb County Engineering Annex, 760 Third Street, Macon, GA

Seventh Street Truck Route Update: The project is in concept phase as governmental agencies are reviewing options on the construction of the route. Currently there is a historically significant site in the area of the proposed route that will have to be taken into consideration. The overall purpose of the Seventh Street Truck Route project is to remove truck traffic from MLK/Broadway.

Penny T-SPLOST Sales Tax: Mr. Komlo mentioned that he’d read in the local telegraph newspaper an article regarding the Penny T-SPLOST Sales Tax. It’s not clear on what the sales tax will support (road projects, bicycle projects, sidewalk projects, etc). It may be necessary to research the proposal to become knowledgeable of its purpose.

Project Status Report – Agenda Item: The GDOT project status report was distributed to meeting attendees. It was mentioned that the Jeffersonville Road projects has been moved out to FY 2017.

Next Meeting Dates: The next regular meeting of the CAC is scheduled to be held on October 14, 2015. However, special called meetings may be held during the Comprehensive Plan and Long Range Transportation Plan updates.


The meeting was adjourned at 5:50pm.

*Please Note: A digital recording is available for detail minutes from the July 8, 2015 meeting.