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National Transportation Priorities
Transportation touches every part of our lives. It’s not just where we go, but how. How do we get there? How do our goods and services get to us? How do our kids get to school? And how do we do it all while protecting our environment and within budget?
Those questions are addressed by the transportation goals laid out in the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (or FAST) Act. Passed in 2015, the FAST Act lays out the goals for projects that receive Federal transportation dollars, including:
- Promoting many types of affordable travel choices in addition to personal vehicles (trains, buses & bikes)
- Managing Congestion and Improving Our Transportation System’s Reliability
- Improving Air Quality & Protecting the Environment
- Improving Access to Essential Services
- Ensuring Equity
- Increase Safety, Health & Security
- Support Economic Equality
- Rebuilding Quickly After Natural Disasters
- Enhance Travel & Tourism
What’s important to you on this list?
Think about on how you ordered the priority list question, please rate these goals in order of importance Based on how you prioritized the project categories in the previous question, how would you rank the following in importance?
(0 = Not Important; 10 = Most Important)