MATS Policy Minutes Feb. 9, 2022
MATS Policy Meeting Minutes
February 9, 2022
A meeting of the MATS Policy Committee was held on Feb. 9, 2022, via the Zoom Virtual Meeting Platform. There were 8 voting members present, thereby establishing a quorum. A motion was made by Louis Tompkins and seconded by Jeane Easom to adopt the meeting agenda which was approved by the Committee members. The minutes from the previous meeting were then introduced and a motion was made by Louis Tompkins and seconded by Sam Hart to adopt the minutes that was subsequently approved. Rachel Umana then gave an update of the previous CAC meetings to the Policy Committee Under election of officers, Mayor Miller made a motion to nominate Louis Tompkins as the new Chairman that was seconded by Jeane Easom. The motion was then approved to select Louis Tompkins as the Chairman of the Policy Committee. In addition, there was a motion made to appoint Chris Weidner as the Vice-Chairman that was also approved by the Policy Committee.
The first item on the agenda was the approval of the final UPWP for FY 2023. Mike Greenwald discussed the funding method for programs in the UPWP. He stated that the federal government funds projects at the 80% level and state & local sources fund the remaining 20%. It was recommended that the final UPWP for FY 2023 be approved and submitted to GDOT. Subsequently, a motion was made by Mayor Miller and seconded by John Harley to adopt the final UPWP which was approved.
The Draft 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) was the next item on the agenda. Mike Greenwald explained the MTP is for a 30 year time period and is updated every 4 or 5 years. Currently, the MPO is in the process of submitting the MTP documejt for the public review and comment period. The draft 2050 MTP includes explicit consideration of bike/pedestrian projects and reflects.the updated federal transportation policies. The current priority of projects in the draft MTP concern projects that are already underway followed by projects of interest from local officials. The MTP requires fiscal balancing measures in order not to exceed the federal revenue stream. Under Inter-Agency Coordination (IAC), the existing Conformity Determination Report (CDR). has been updated to reflect the new MTP and TIP. There will be a public review period for the draft 2050 MTP from Feb. 15 thru March 17, 2022. The final MTP will be adopted by the MATS Policy Committee on May 3rd. The recommended actions for the draft MTP consist of the public review period, the posting of public links to the draft, the incorporation of comments from agencies and the public and special called meetings if needed. Subsequently, a motion was made by Radney Simpson and seconded by Sam Hart to approve the draft MTP and the recommended actions. The motion was then approved by the Policy Committee members.
The Project Status Report was not available to be presented at the meeting but copies were sent out to the Policy Committee before the meeting for them to review. Under New Business, Mike Greenwald introduced Jeffrey Ruggieri as the new Executive Director of the Macon-Bibb Planning & Zoning Commission. It was stated that the next MATS Policy meeting would be on May 3ed. Being no further business to discuss, the meeting was then adjourned.