MATS Technical Minutes Feb. 8, 2022

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MATS Technical Meeting
February 8, 2022

A meeting of the MATS Technical Committee was held on Feb. 8, 2022 via the Zoom Virtual Meeting Platform. There were 13 voting members present, thereby establishing a quorum. A motion was made by Craig Ross and seconded by Adrianna Bevers to adopt the meeting agenda which was approved by the Committee members. The minutes from the previous meeting were then introduced and approved by the Committee also.

The Draft 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) was the first item on the agenda. Mike Greenwald explained the MTP is a mater list of the federally funded transportation projects for the MATS area through the year 2050. In addition, the TIP projects must be included in the MTP. Currently, the MPO is in the public review process in the development of the MTP. The draft MTP has been developed for internal review. There will be a public review period for the draft 2050 MTP from Feb. 15 thru March 17, 2022. The final MTP will be adopted by the MATS Policy Committee on May 3rd. The draft MTP reflects the new road and bridge projects and the updated federal transportation policies. The current priority of projects concerns projects that are already underway followed by the projects of local interest. The MTP requires fiscal balancing and there is currently an estimated surplus projected to be 153 million dollars.

The Conformity Determination Report (CDR) requirement for air quality has been re-instated for Inter Agency Coordination (IAC) review. The existing CDR has been updated to reflect the new MTP and TIP. The next step is the completion of the 2050 MTP draft review. The draft document will be out for public review from Feb. 15 thru March 17. The revisions to the draft MTP will occur from March 17 thru March 29. The final 2050 MTP will be adopted on May 3, 2022. The draft MTP now needs to be submitted to the Policy Committee for approval and public review. Subsequently, a motion was made by Robert Ryals and seconded by Greg Boike to approve the draft MTP and submit it to the Policy Committee. The motion was then approved by the Technical Committee members. Under New Business, the new MATS Project Director, Jeffrey Ruggieri was introduced to the Technical Committee. It was stated that the next MATS Technical meeting would be on April 20th. Being no further business to discuss, the meeting was then adjourned.