Title VI Reporting

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Title VI Documentation





Regarding Technical

Planning Assistance


Prepared By:

Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission



In Cooperation With:

Georgia Department of Transportation

Federal Highway Administration

Federal Transit Administration




March 2019





“The contents of this report reflect the views of the persons preparing the document and those individuals are responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents of this report do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Transportation of the State of Georgia. This report does not constitute a standard, specification or regulation.”












Part 1-General Reporting Requirements


INTRODUCTION.    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    4


TITLE VI DOCUMENTATION UPDATE.    .    .    .    .    .    .    5


AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION.    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    6


FTA CIVIL RIGHTS ASSURANCE.    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    7


FTA CONTACT PERSON FOR TITLE VI.    .    .    .    .    .    .    8



Part 2 – MPO Reporting Requirements


ASSESSMENT OF PLANNING EFFORTS.    .    .    .    .    .    .    9


MONITOR TITLE VI ACTIVITIES.    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    9


INFORMATION DISSEMINATION    .    .    .    .    .    .    12






MACON AREA TRANSPORTATION STUDY MAP    .    .    .    .    .    15


Minority Racial Composition of the Community

DISCUSSION    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    16




TRANSIT ROUTES    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    18

    PERCENT AFRICAN AMERICAN (Black)    .    .    .    .    .    19

    PERCENT OTHER RACES    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    20



    PERCENT AFRICAN AMERICAN (Black)    .    .    .    .    .    21

    PERCENT OTHER RACES TOTAL    .    .    .    .    .    .    22


Appendix A


OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964    .    .    .    .    .    .    23


PUBLIC NOTICE    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    24


COMPLAINT FORM    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    25


Appendix B

Department of Transportation Title VI Standard Assurance

One Time Submittal May 1988    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    27



Part 1 – General Reporting Requirements





The purpose of the Title VI documentation is to certify to the Georgia Department of Transportation and the Federal Transit Administration that the Metropolitan Planning Organization of the Macon Area Transportation Study is in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VI states:


“No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”


Attached are the following:


1.    Title VI Documentation Update;


2.    Resolution authorizing the Executive Director

to sign on behalf of the Macon-Bibb

County Planning and Zoning Commission;


3.    Federal Transit Administration Civil Rights Assurance Form;


4.    Federal Transit Title VI;


5.    Public Notice – Statement of Rights under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; and


6.    Department of Transportation Title VI Standard Assurance One Time Submittal May 1988.






























I.    Active Lawsuits or Complaints Naming the Applicant Which Alleged Discrimination on the Basis of Race, Color, or National Origin With Respect to Service or other Transit Benefits:


There are no recent lawsuits or complaints alleging discrimination with respect to transit service or other benefits.


II.    Description of All Pending Application for Financial Assistance, and All financial Assistance Currently Provided by Other Federal Agencies:


An application will be filed for FY 2020 in the Unified Planning Work Program to be funded by the FTA Title 49 U.S. C. Section 5303 Metropolitan Planning (formerly Section 8).


The Macon-Bibb County Planning and Zoning Commission currently receives PL funds for transportation planning from the Federal Highway Administration. Funds will also be requested for FY 2020.


III.    Summary of All Civil Rights Compliance Review Conducted in the Last 4 Years:


There have been no civil rights compliance reviews conducted.


IV.    FTA Civil Rights Assurance (See Appendix B).


V.    DOT Title VI Standard Assurance:


This was submitted in May 1988, as part of the FTA

One-time submission file. (See Appendix B)























Dee Foster

Civil Rights Officer

FTA Region IV

230 Peachtree St., N.W.

Suite 1400

Atlanta, GA 30303

Phone: (404) 865-5600

Doretha. Foster@dot.gov









































Part 2 – MPO Reporting Requirements



1.    Assessment of Planning Efforts


The Macon MPO updates the documentation of the MPO’s compliance with the Title VI requirements of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 each year as part of the Unified Planning Work Program. The Macon MPO has a formal process relating to public participation in the transportation planning process. The MATS public participation plan defines the process for providing a broad cross section of input into the transportation planning process. As part of the process, there is an effort to seek out and consider the needs of those traditionally underserved by the existing transportation systems, such as low-income and minority households. Opportunities are provided for the public to participate, review and comment on the Long Range Transportation Plan and the Transportation Improvement Program. During a compliance review there have never been any concerns brought up. In addition, there are no active complaints or lawsuits in regards to the provision of planning services.



2.    Monitor Title VI Activities


The information below contains a list of service changes by the local transit provider for the past several years.


In FY 2005, funding levels were such that the Macon Transit Authority could only maintain the status quo.

In FY 2006, funding levels were such that the Macon Transit Authority could only maintain the status quo.

In FY 2007, funding levels were such that the Macon Transit Authority could only maintain the status quo.

In FY 20O8, funding levels were such that the Macon Transit Authority could only maintain the status quo.

In FY 2009, funding levels did not change but fuel costs increase. Bus fares were increased by $.25 and service hours were reduced to mitigate these additional costs.

In FY 2010, the Macon Transit Authority:
Ordered 5 new buses;

    Changed color scheme and logo using environmentally friendly colors;
Changed driver uniforms;
Extended federal funding agreement to allow for a one-year cushion in funding;
Reconstructed employee work rules;
Rewrote and strengthened accident and safety policies and procedures;
Created a safety incentive program for hourly employees; and
Developed a performance-based employee recognition program


In FY 2011, the Macon Transit Authority:
Ordered 9 new fixed route buses and 6 Para transit buses
Received 14 fixed route buses and 6 Para transit buses;
Extended funding agreement for an additional 18 months to June 2012;
Extended hours of availability for Senior and Mobility Impaired discount fares;
Created a single round trip ride coupon;
Opened a new transfer station;
Began implementation of a AVL/CAD, Para Transit scheduling software system;
Began implementation of a Maintenance Management software system;
Began route service into Robins AFB and Macon Industrial corridor


In FY 2012, the Macon Transit Authority:
Ordered and received five new fixed route buses;
Ordered and received three new Para Transit buses;
Ordered and received one new MV-1 vehicle for additional Para Transit fleet support; Funding levels remained positive and grant utilization remained excellent;
On time performance continues to improve and ridership in all areas of our operations is showing marked improvement;
Began the process to redefine our Authority to allow service capabilities to all 11 Counties of the Middle Georgia region;
AVL/CAD system implementation allows tracking capabilities and immediate monitoring of all routes and buses in both Fixed Route and Para Transit;
With the new software and new bus system, performance and customer satisfaction is climbing rapidly;
Received the top safety award from our liability insurance carrier;
Received new state of the art GFI fare boxes that monitor fares and ridership data more accurately;
Ordered passenger counters that will justify the fare box reports and ease NTD reporting requirements;
Hosted GTA Conference and are being considered for next year’s event


In FY 2013, the Macon Transit Authority:
Applied for fuel subsidies as part of the capital grant program;
Conducted a survey about transportation use and needs;
Conducted a survey concerning the Bird Route;
Extended Service to the Ocmulgee East Industrial Park;
Conducted a feasibility study for transit service in Houston County;


In FY 2014, the Macon Transit Authority:

    Purchased 3 new passenger buses for the fixed route service;

    Published new maps & schedules for the transit system;

    Purchased a new ticket vending machine for passengers;

    Purchased GIS devices to locate drivers & collect trip & route data;

    Ordered three paratransit buses for the ADA service to replace old vehicles;

    Approved a new call center to provide bus rider information;

    Conducted a rider survey concerning transportation use & needs;


In FY 2015, the Macon Transit Authority:
Ordered 3 new 40 foot transit buses for the fixed route system;
Ordered 6 new para transit buses for the ADA service ;
Purchased a Maintenance Facility;
Purchased property to serve as support parking for Historic Terminal Station;
Acquired Historic Terminal Station from the City of Macon to house Administration Offices and Bus Transfer Center;
Acquired property adjacent to Historic Terminal Station from the City of Macon to serve as support parking for Historic Terminal Station;
Extended service to Mercer University in support of student activities and the surrounding community;


In FY 2016, the Macon Transit Authority:

Purchase 2 clean diesel buses

    Replaced and refurbished bus shelters and benches

    Renovated the Terminal Station

    Purchased 2 buses for the ADA service

    Purchased new fare boxes

    Ordered a new heavy duty bus washer

    Purchased maintenance tools & equipment

    Ordered new computer equipment and software for the office

    Purchased office equipment and furniture


In FY 2017, the Macon Transit Authority:

Replaced and refurbished bus shelters and benches

    Upgraded smart card & fare box systems

    Renovated the Terminal Station

    Discontinued Robins AFB and GEICO routes due to funding elimination

    Purchased ITS system software

    Purchased an administrative vehicle


In FY 2018, the Macon Transit Authority:

    Purchased two 40 ft. Diesel Buses

    Purchased two Electric Buses with chargers

    Purchased six 35 ft. cut-a-way buses

    Acquired Bus Maintenance Parts & Supplies for fleet

    Purchased Office Equipment & Furniture

    Acquired Computers & Software for Office

    Purchased a new Supervisor Van

    Acquired 30 new GPS tablets with kits


In FY 2019, the Macon Transit Authoirty:

    Purchased two 35 ft. cut-a-way buses

    Purchase two buses for the ADA service

    Acquired Bus Maintenance Parts & Supplies for fleet

    Replaced & Refurbished bus shelters and benches

    Renovated & Maintained the Terminal Station

    Purchased four buses for shuttle service in various zones



b.    Provide technical assistance or guidance to local transportation providers in updating and developing Title VI information.


Local Transportation providers have not requested any assistance in updating and developing Title VI information.



3.    Information Dissemination


The items contained below demonstrate examples by the local transit provider of information dissemination in the past several years.


In FY 2005, the Macon Transit Authority applied for federal operating assistance for FY 2006


In FY 2006, the Macon Transit Authority:
applied for federal operating assistance for FY 2007;
created a transit brochure for college students;
developed strategic goals;
published route maps and schedules.


In FY 2007, the Macon Transit Authority:
applied for federal operating assistance for FY 2008;
published a safety and security plan;
did not publish a marketing plan;
did not have any updates to its strategic goals;
did publish route maps and schedules


In FY 2008, the Macon Transit Authority:
continued to work on a marketing plan;
applied for federal operating assistance for FY 2009


In FY 2009, the Macon Transit Authority applied for federal operating assistance for FY 2010


In FY 2010, the Macon Transit Authority applied for federal operating assistance for FY 2011.


In FY 2011, the Macon Transit Authority applied for federal operating assistance for FY 2012.


In FY 2012, the Macon Transit Authority:
applied for federal operating assistance for FY 2013;
created a para transit brochure to market the service;
In FY 20l3, the Macon Transit Authority;
applied for federal operating assistance for FY 2013;
published a new route map and schedule for FY 13;
revised their employee handbook for FY 13


In FY 2014, the Macon Transit Authority:
applied for federal operating assistance for FY 2015;
Approved a new call center to provide bus rider information;
Printed new maps & schedules for the transit system for use by the public;

In FY 2015, the Macon Transit Authority:
applied for federal operating assistance for FY 2016;
Received federal funding through the ARRA program to purchase their maintenance facility;
Applied for and received approval to amend the existing federal grants to restructure and improve their maintenance facility;
Acquired the Historic Terminal Station in Macon, GA


In FY 2016, the Macon Transit Authority:
Applied for federal operating assistance for FY 2017;
    Ordered new GPS tablets with kits
    Installed traveler information for bus fleet (routeshout)
    Purchased new illuminated signs for transfer center


In FY 2017, the Macon Transit Authority:
Applied for federal operating assistance for FY 2018;

Notices for the Title VI program were posted on the MTA website, in the Terminal Station, in the MTA office, and on all buses.     

Purchased ITS system software


In FY 2018, the Macon Transit Authority:

    Applied for federal operating assistance for FY 2019;

    Acquired new Computer Equipment & Software

    Purchased 30 new GPS tablets with kits

    Distributed new route maps & schedules to riders


In FY 2019, the Macon Transit Authority:

    Applied for federal operating assistance for FY 2020;

    Announced route changes and schedule revisions for ridership

    Ordered New Computer Equipment

    Initiated new Route Shout System

    Started using new Smart Cards for riders

    Updated Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan

In addition, a public notice was updated in the Macon-Bibb Co. Planning & Zoning Commission office which provides a statement of rights under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. (See Appendix A)



4.    Minority Participation in the Decision making Process


In order to increase participation, the by-laws of the MATS Citizen Advisory Committee have been revised to broaden participation. The Committee is composed of representatives based on geographical areas and organizations & interests as shown below:



    Geographical Area Representatives    

  1. One person from each of Macon-Bibb County Commission districts.
  2. One person from the MATS portion of Jones County
  3. One person from the MATS portion of Monroe County


Organization & Interest Representatives

  1. The American Association of Retired People (AARP)
  2. Macon Housing Authority
  3. Bibb County Board of Education
  4. The League of Women Voters
  5. Pedestrian /bicycle user
  6. Transit user
  7. Environmental Representative
  8. Disabled population
  9. Disabled transportation user



5.    Minority Representation on Decision making Bodies


                             Total Members        Minority Members


Mayor & Macon-Bibb Board of Commissioners            10            4

Macon-Bibb Co. Transit Authority                6            4

Macon-Bibb Planning & Zoning Commission            5            3

Macon Area Transportation Study (MATS)

    Policy Committee                    13            3

    Technical Coordinating Committee            24            4

    Citizens Advisory Committee                20            8



The following tables and maps shows the racial composition of the community and the spatial relationship of minority races in the Macon Area Transportation Study area to the transit routes and to the 2040 Long Range Transportation Update Projects.




























































Notifying the Public of Rights under Title VI

This notice is posted on the Civil Rights page of the MATS website at

www.mats2040.org/about-mats/civil-rights/ . This notice is also posted on the public notice bulletin board at the Macon-Bibb County Planning and Zoning Commission Office, and on poster boards on display at all MATS meetings. It is included in the Title VI Documentation Report. This notification is part of the Title VI requirements outlined in FTA Circular 4702.1B.


Macon Area Transportation Study

The Macon Area Transportation Study operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, and national origin in accordance with the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Any person who believes she or he has been aggrieved by any unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI may file a complaint. The Title VI Complaint Form must be completed and filed within 90 days of the discrimination incident and sending it to any of the following:



James P. Thomas                Federal Transit Administration
MATS Technical Director             Office of Civil Rights
Macon-Bibb Co. Planning & Zoning        Title VI Program Coordinator
Terminal Station, Suite 300            1200 New Jersey Ave, SE
200 Cherry Street                Washington, D.C.20590
Macon, GA 31201                 888-446-5411
(478) 751-7460                 


                        Vanessa Ross
Dee Foster                    Civil Rights Coordinator
Civil Rights Officer                 Federal Highway Administration
FTA Region IV                    Georgia Division
230 Peachtree St., N.W.             61 Forsyth Street SW
Suite 1400                    Suite 17T100
Atlanta, GA 30303                Atlanta, GA 30303-3104
Phone: (404) 865-5633                404-562-3646
Doretha.Foster@dot.gov             vanessa.ross@dot.gov        



Once a complaint is filed and received by the MATS Technical Director, the MATS Policy Committee, Technical Committee, and the Citizens’ Advisory Committee will be notified and will receive a copy of the complaint. The Chair of the MATS Policy Committee will schedule a time at regular meeting or a special called meeting to discuss the complaint. The MATS Policy Committee will receive input and determine what additional information is needed. The MATS Policy Committee will set a time and date to hold a formal hearing on the complaint in accordance with the MATS Bylaws and Participation/Involvement Plan.


*The Limited English Proficiency Plan (LEP) was established in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. As part of the LEP, The Macon Area Transportation Study (MATS) will provide language assistance in public information, public notices, and on the website to those individuals who need aid or special accommodations. With proper advance notice, MATS will also provide language assistance in the form of interpreter services at public meetings if needed.

Section IV

Have you previously filed a Title VI complaint with this agency?



Section V

Have you filed this complaint with any other Federal, State, or local agency, or with any Federal or State court?


[ ] Yes    [ ] No


If yes, check all that apply:


[ ] Federal Agency:     


[ ] Federal Court         [ ] State Agency      [ ] State Court         [ ] Local Agency     

Please provide information about a contact person at the agency/court where the complaint was







Section VI

Name of agency complaint is against:

Contact person:


Telephone number:

You may attach any written materials or other information that is relevant to your complaint.


Signature and date required below



Signature    Date


Please submit this form in person at the address below, or mail this form to:


James P. Thomas, Executive Director            Date Received:
Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission
Terminal Station                    _____________
Suite 300
200 Cherry St.                        By:
Macon, GA 31201            
Telephone: (478) 751-7460                _____________
Email: jpthomas@mbpz.org                 






Department of Transportation


Standard Assurance

One Time Submittal

May 1998